About event

Maximum number of participants - 1000 athletes

Distances: 14km, VLEB, 55km, 50 miles, 100 miles All distances are running. All distances will be declared in ITRA. Children's races Karelia Fun Run (1 km) and Karelia Sprint (3 km) for young trail runners.

Karelia is beautiful at any time of the year.

Karelia in autumn is green-yellow-red forests, the last warm days and cool nights. Without insects.


Mount Vottovaara
Republic of Karelia
861 kilometers from Moscow

The unique start will take place again
September 7-8, 2024

Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles - a circular distance with a climb of about 2,000 m.
50 miles is a circular distance with a climb of about 1,000 m. Participants will see Mount Vottovaara, Lake Pisanets and Smert' Mountain.
55 km - ring distance with a climb of about 700 m with a mandatory run on Mount Vottovaara.
VLEB is a circular distance with a climb of about 150 m with the obligatory swimming of Lake Vottozero.
14 km - radial distance with a ring along the Marble quarry.
Also, for the most Hardy and Powerful Athletes, we have prepared a novelty, the most complex Scandinavian trail Votto Lake Extreme Breakout, about 40 km of real beautiful wildlife and tin! the number of seats is strictly limited.

May the Force be with you!

Testing not only the body, but also the spirit. Time for self-talk.

Дорогие, Атлеты!
Регистрация на «Vottovaara Mountain Race 2024» закрыта по достижению лимита участников.
Ждем Вас на наших стартах!
Да пребудет с вами сила!

По любым вопросам просим вас связаться с нами по почте: info@goldenultra.ru
Добро пожаловать, дорогие друзья!
Photo & Video
Реклама. ОАО "РЖД" Erid: Kra23VaX5


Event date: September 7-8, 2024

September 7, 2024

16:00 – Start for Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles participants

16:30 – Start for Karelia Sprint participants

17:00 – Start for Karelia Fun Run participants


September 8, 2024

06:00 – Start for 50 miles participants

07:00 – Start for Votto Lake Extreme Breakout participants

08:00 – Start for 55 km participants

09:00 – Start for 14 km participants

12:00 – Finish closure for 14 km participants

15:00 –  Finish closure for Votto Lake Extreme Breakout participants

18:00 – Finish closure for 55 km participants

19:00 – Finish closure for Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles participants

21:00 – Finish closure for 50 miles participants



Expo, start and finish for all distances – 62.94200, 32.51425 (Russia, Republic of Karelia, Muozersky District, Gimoly Village)



Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles - 158 км. Набор высот 1719 м

50 miles – 78 km. Elevation gain 941 m

55 km – 51.4 km. Elevation gain 528 m

Votto Lake Extreme Breakout – 42.5 km. Elevation gain 153 m

14 km – 13.2 km. Elevation gain 71 m

Karelia Sprint – 3 km

Karelia Fun Run – 1 km


Distance completion limits:

Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles – 27 hours

50 miles – 15 hours

55 km – 10 hours

Votto Lake Extreme Breakout – 8 hours

14 km – 3 hours

Participants are allowed to participate in the event:

Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles, 50 miles, 55 km, Votto Lake Extreme Breakout, and 14 km - everyone 18 years and older;

Karelia Sprint - children from 11 to 14 years old (presence of parents is optional);

Karelia Fun Run - children from 0 to 10 years old, alone or accompanied by a parent or responsible for the child (legal representative).

The age of the participant is determined by the date of the Event - September 07-08, 2024.

Electronic registration of participants is carried out on the website www.goldenultra.ru from 12:00 on October 23, 2023 to 12:00 on August 09, 2024..

The amount of the registration fee is::

  • Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles – 12,000 rubles.
  • 50 miles – 7,300 rubles.
  • 55 km – 5800 rub.
  • Votto Lake Extreme Breakout – 5,300 rubles.
  • 14 km – 3300 rubles .
  • Karelia Fun Run – 1500 rubles.
  • Karelia Sprint – 1500 rubles.

The amount of the additional charitable registration fee is:

  • Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles – 13,000 rubles.
  • 50 miles – 8000 rubles.
  • 55 km – 6500 rubles .
  • Votto Lake Extreme Breakout – 6000 rubles.
  • 14 km – 4000 rubles.
  • Karelia Fun Run – 1500 rubles.
  • Karelia Sprint – 1500 rubles.

When registering for the Expo Event (September 07-08, 2024), the cost will be:

  • Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles – 13,000 rubles.
  • 50 miles – 8,300 rubles.
  • 55 km – 6800 rub.
  • Votto Lake Extreme Breakout – 6300 rubles.
  • 14 km – 4,300 rubles .
  • Karelia Fun Run – 1,700 rubles.
  • Karelia Sprint – 1,700 rubles.

Subject to availability of starting rooms!

Pensioners, large families, the disabled, veterans and participants of military operations receive a 50% discount*. To do this, you need to:

  • Register in the participant's personal account on the website goldenultra.ru;
  • Upload the documents confirming the benefit.

*The discount does not apply to the following distances: Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles, Karelia Fun Run, Karelia Sprint.

Participants who meet the qualifying requirements can register for the Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles:

  • at least one finish at a distance of 100 km in the period 2022-2024;
  • finish at the full-distance triathlon competition in the period 2022-2024.

Qualification to the Elite

To qualify for the elite category, the participant must:

  • Register in your personal account on the website goldenultra.ru;
  • Upload the supporting documents corresponding to the qualifications (the results of the competitions held after January 1, 2022 are taken into account)

Qualification requirements:

  • PI is at least 700 for men and 575 for women, according to the ITRA index;
  • Winners and top 5 major Russian and international running competitions;
  • The absolute winners of all RHR starts.

The absolute winners of the Vottovaara Mountain Race 2023 event and the elite category of athletes with a minimum PI of 700 for men and 575 for women, in accordance with the ITRA index, are given a 100% discount. To do this, you need to:

  • Register in your personal account on the website goldenultra.ru;
  • Upload the supporting documents corresponding to the qualifications.


Re-registration and distance change are made before 12:00 on August 09, 2024 in the participant's personal account on a paid basis. The cost is 500 rubles.

When changing the distance to the Expo Event (September 07-08, 2024), the cost will be 700 rubles.

The participant's starter package includes:

  • the starting number with a chip and a participant's timing package are included.;
  • storage locker sticker (missing at Karelia Sprint, Karelia Fun Run distances);
  • gifts from the organizing committee and partners of the event.

The issuance of starter packs for participants will take place at the Expo in the start-finish town 62.94200, 32.51425 (Russia, Republic of Karelia, Muezersky District, Gimoly settlement)

  • September 7, 2024 from 11:00 to 18:00 - for all distances.
  • On September 8, 2024 from 05:00 to 09:00 - for distances of 50 miles, 55 km, Votto Lake Extreme Breakout, and 14 km.

Conditions for receiving the starter package

Upon receiving the starter package, participants aged 18 and older are required to:

  • original identity document;
  • original medical certificate;
  • accident insurance policy for a sum insured of not less than 100,000 rubles.

When receiving the starter pack for a participant aged 0 to 14 years, the parent must provide:

  • parent's original identity document;
  • copy of child's birth certificate or proof of relationship in parent's passport;
  • original permission from parents to participate in the race and the personal presence of one of the parents when receiving the race kit (SAMPLE)

Medical certificate:

  • вissued by an institution with a license to carry out medical activities; 
  • contains the seal of the medical institution, the signature and seal of the doctor, the date of issue, the full name of the participant;
  • confirms the presence of the participant in health group 1 or 2, or is issued in the form from Appendix No. 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of October 23, 2020 N 1144n (as amended on September 26, 2023);
  • The certificate must include permission to run the distance for which the participant is registered;
  • valid on the day of the race. The certificate is valid for the period specified in it, but not more than 1 year from the date of issue;
  • The provided medical certificate is not returned when collecting the race number. A photocopy of the medical certificate is only accepted when presenting the original.

The initial participant package is not issued by proxy.

Transfer for participants of sports and mass events

Brand train, next on the route:

Moscow - Saint Petersburg - Gimola - Ruskeal Mountain Park - Saint Petersburg - Moscow

Bus Petrozavodsk - t. Gimoly - Petrozavodsk

The transfer fee for participants and escorts is 7000 rubles. Participants are charged when registering for the race on the official goldenultra.ru.

September 06, 2024 – will be carried out departure of buses from the railway station Petrozavodsk-Passenger 61.781413, 34.348089 (Russia, Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, Maxim Gorky Street, 25) to the start-finish town.

11:00 - for all participants of the event

September 07, 2024 – will be carried out departure of buses from the railway station Petrozavodsk-Passenger 61.781413, 34.348089 (Russia, Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, Maxim Gorky Street, 25) to the start-finish town.

07:00; 08:00; 09:00 - for all participants of the event

23:00 - for participants of distances 55 km, Votto Lake Extreme Breakout, and 14 km

September 08, 2024 – will be carried out departure of buses from the start-finish town to the railway station Petrozavodsk-Passenger.

14:00; 16:00; 18:00; 20:00; 21:00 – for all participants of the event.

By car:

Distance from Moscow to the village. Gimola on roads - about 1200 km, time in the journey - at least 16 hours.

Mandatory equipment for participants of the Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles / 50 miles

Mandatory equipment of participants throughout the race:

  • filled drinking system of at least 1 liter;
  • power at 1500 /1000 kcal at the start and after each shooting. Each pack of food should be marked with the number of the participant;
  • telephone, phone number of organizers in the contact list (+7-926-680-31-69);
  • track loaded to the clock or phone;
  • a backup battery or power bank if the track is loaded into the phone;
  • rescue blanket (included in the starter package);
  • headlamp with a spare set of batteries;
  • whistle;
  • knife;
  • a mug or a glass (included in the starting package). There will be no disposable utensils at the power stations!

Mandatory equipment for shooting:

1,500 /1,000 kcal minimum.

For the Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles, the equipment is checked before the starting number is issued.

For 50 miles, the check takes place one hour before the start.

Mandatory equipment for participants of the distance 55 km and Votto Lake Extreme Breakout:

  • filled drinking system of at least 1 liter;
  • power at 500 kcal on the start. Each package of food should be marked with participant number;
  • telephone, phone number of organizers in the contact list (+7-926-680-31-69);
  • rescue blanket (included in the starter package);
  • whistle;
  • a mug or a glass (included in the starting package). There will be no disposable utensils at the power stations!
  • track loaded to the clock or phone;
  • a backup battery or power bank if the track is loaded into the phone;
  • Special waterproof bag-package (for Votto Lake Extreme Breakout);
  • Special heating ointment (for the Votto Lake Extreme Breakout).

Equipment check takes place one hour before start.

Mandatory equipment for participants of the distance 14 km:

  • a mug or a glass (included in the starting package). There will be no disposable utensils at the power stations!
  • telephone, phone number of organizers in the contact list (+7-926-680-31-69);

Equipment check takes place one hour before start.

Recommendations for equipment for participants of the Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles, 50 miles, 55 km and Votto Lake Extreme Breakout:

  • store warm clothes for the night;
  • Leg warmers on the shoe to prevent stones, twigs or other debris from entering;
  • Vaseline or other rub cream;
  • Nordic walking sticks are allowed.

Recommendations for equipping participants of the 14 km distance:

  • filled drinking system of at least 0.5 liters;
  • power reserve. Each food package should be marked with participant number;
  • rescue blanket;
  • whistle.

Mandatory equipment must be present throughout the distance.

The award is made from 1 to 3 places in men and women in the absolute championship at each distance.

  • Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles

1st place - 60,000 rubles and gifts;

2nd place - 45,000 rubles and gifts;

3rd place - 30000 rubles and gifts;

  • 50 miles

1st place - 40,000 rubles and gifts;

2nd place - 30000 rubles and gifts;

3rd place - 20000 rubles and gifts;

  • 55 km

1st place - 20000 rubles and gifts;

2nd place - 15,000 rubles and gifts;

3rd place - 10000 rubles and gifts;

  • 14 km - participants who won prizes are awarded with valuable prizes and gifts.

Valuable prizes are additionally awarded to athletes who took 1-2-3 places in their age groups:

  • 18-29 years old;
  • 30-39 years;
  • 40-49 years old;
  • 50-59 years;
  • 60 years and older.

The Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles, 50 miles, and 55 km are officially certified by ITRA. Successful athletes in the Vottovaara Mountain Race 100 miles awarded 5 ITRA points, 50 miles - 3 points, 55 km - 2 points.

Vottovaara Mountain Race 2024 entry lists

coming soon

We are confident that the starts of the Running Heroes Russia team can provide unforgettable emotions and an incredible burst of energy, even if you don't run any of the distances.

The truth of this statement will be confirmed by anyone who has participated in our events as a volunteer and supported athletes on the track and in the start-finish area.

We invite you to join our team to experience the festive atmosphere from the inside!

To join the team of volunteers for Running Heroes Russia, you need to fill out the application form at http://runningheroes.ru/volunteer (the form becomes available one and a half to two months before the race date).

If you want to stay informed about our news and be the first to know when we start recruiting volunteers for a particular event, subscribe to our Telegram channel at https://t.me/rhrvolunteers

For any questions related to volunteering in our team, you can email us at volunteer@goldenultra.ru. We are available on weekdays!

We would be delighted to see you among our ranks. See you at the starts soon!

Sponsors and partners

OOO "Голден Ринг Ультра Трейл",   ОГРН: 1207700444280,   ИНН: 9724029321